About Us​

Phoenix Filter

Filtration systems produce solutions for spare parts and lubrication systems.

Your future is our future.

We are in contact with many companies and even end users. We are proud of all our partners and give them all the same attention. Because we are one of you.

Don’t be afraid of change and always look forward.

We are a company of professionals, not a family business. Since 1994, we have spent more than 30 years pioneering customized solutions to customer needs, helping to improve lubricant quality and maximizing equipment reliability.

Now; under the roof of Phoenix Filter with 30 years of experience, we produce smart and economical solutions to filtration and spare parts problems by using well-designed products and smart techniques with all our knowledge and experience.

Knowledge is power.

Professional Specialist ​
Brilliant Ideas ​
Precise Engineers​
24/7 Assistance​